13 Dec Mana Lomi® Level 2 Workshops
Mana Lomi® Level 2 Workshops:
Lomi or lomilomi is more than just a Hawaiian massage. It describes a concept that involves the movement of energy or energy in motion. Mana Lomi® massage classes are offered many times per year by instructor Carol Hart, in Kauai, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Oregon.
What is Mana Lomi®?
It is the ability to communicate through the soft tissues of the body, physically and energetically, deep within the bones of the individual and thus the soul of the person. Mana Lomi® can be translated as the “Life force of Lomi”. Authentic Mana Lomi® is based on Hawaiian concepts of working with the body, mind and spirit. It is hands-on healing that is deep and powerful, yet gentle, giving immediate and long-term results. Click here to learn more about Mana Lomi®.
Mana Lomi® Level Two (Advanced Techniques)
In this 4-day format, you will learn advanced Mana Lomi® techniques including hot towel therapy, specific protocols for the entire body, and Hawaiian spiritual philosophies.
Topics briefly covered are the relationship of the golgi tendon organ (GTO), muscle spindle fibers and pain receptors, compression/traction techniques and their effectiveness, palpation skills emphasized for sensitivity, emphasis on problem-solving skills, Hawaiian chants, body positioning for better effectiveness, overlapping upper body and lower body sequences, SI joint protocol and more!
Continuing Education Units
All workshops are approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) for continuing education units. Refer to the workshop flyer for the number of CEU’s offered.
Tuition & Deposit
To register and save a position, refer to the workshop flyer of interest to find out what the tuition and required deposit is, along with registration deadlines.
Reserve Your Space
Please let us know which workshop you are attending when you pay your deposit via Venmo, please use the QR code below.
2024-2025 Level 2 Workshops:
July 5-8, 2025
BMTI, Boulder, Colorado
Download the flyer
View more workshops:
Mana Lomi® Level One
Mana Lomi`ili `ili (Hot Stone)
Mana Lomi®Problem Solving